Pros and Cons Of Blogging

Twelve Pros And Cons Of Blogging You Need To Know

Ever heard someone complaining I have been blogging for a year now but didn’t see any results? You probably did. To be honest, the internet is full of these types of people, and the reason behind this result is the lack of understanding of running a blog as in pros and cons of blogging.

It is important to know what you are getting yourself into before you take a step because the first few steps of starting a blog are pretty easy such as registering for a self-hosted blog, choosing a theme, writing the first few articles, and all.

The problem comes in when you will have to do various tasks to maintain your blog, and this is why I wrote this article about the pros and cons of blogging so you can become aware of the things you’ll face in your blogging journey.

Pros And Cons Of Blogging

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogging Infographic

First, we will start with the advantages of running a blog because the point of this post isn’t discouraging to launch a blog; it’s about helping you decide whether blogging is the right path for you.

Starting A Blog Is A Low-Cost Investment:

One of the greatest benefits of starting a blog is a low-cost investment. Yes. It is possible to launch a blog for little as 5$ per month. There are many hosting services out there, such as BlueHost, SiteGround, and more, offering you their services for a low price.

My personal recommendation is (affiliate) Dream Host; why? Well, because my blog is hosted by this company, and it is honestly one of the best web hosting companies out there. You can get started with Dream Host for only 4.95$ per month and 2.95$ per month if you choose the yearly package.

A Blog Can Generate Passive Income:

The most popular question asked by people online is can you make money blogging? Yes, you can generate passive income from your blog without leaving your comfort zone.

To be honest, blogging is considered the best way to make income online, and that is the main reason people launch a blog in the first place. But to make money with your blog, you need to use different methods such as affiliate programs, displaying ads, publishing e-books, and sponsor posts.

If you want to go more in detail about making money as a blogger, read this article, “How To Make Money Blogging For Beginners.”

A Blog Can Help You Become An Organize Person:

If you are an unorganized person who started a blog, then get ready because things are about to change for you in a good way. Blogging can help you become an organized person.

How? When you start a blog, you have to keep a fixed schedule of everything, like when you will type in the new post, when you publish it, when you promote it, and all.

I know these things seem little, but it is a good start.

Your Blog Gives People A Reason To Visit Your Site:

Blogging gives people a reason to visit your site and stay on it. Blogging is about attracting new visitors every time you hit the publish button. The most successful types of blogs are those where people can get answers to their questions and get their problems solved by the end of every post.

So, to make your audience stay a bit longer on the site and decrease bounce rates, you need to create articles like top bloggers in your niche. Also, when viewers stay on your blog longer, it will make you feel heard, which will motivate you to write more articles.

A Blog Creates A Community Of Like-Minded People:

Blogging is a great way to create a community of people with the same interests. When you publish articles, your audience in the comment section replies and interact with each other, which as a result, creates a community.

Another way you create a community with your blog is by using social media platforms, such as by creating a Facebook group. Pinterest group boards and Tailwind communities.

Blogging Can Be A Reson To Be Creative:

I don’t know if most bloggers mention this, but the time you spend on your blog can help you become a creative person. I know maybe you are thinking how?

When you start a blog, you search for the perfect theme; you design your logo, create your poster, and even take care of your blog social media accounts posts. And these type of tasks opens your mind and inspires you to come up with new ideas.

Okay, so now we are done with the advantages of blogging, let’s look at the disadvantages of blogging

Maintaining A Blog Can Be Time-Consuming:

Okay, I hate to break it. Maintaining a blog can be real-time-consuming. I mean, there is so much to do, like finding low competition keywords, writing high-quality content, replying to comments, taking care of social media accounts, etc.

I know you don’t have to do all these tasks every day, but if you want to see quicker results with your blog, you need to do them more often.

No Free Way To Blog:

There is no freeway to blog. I know you are probably thinking about platforms like Blogger/WordPress. When I started my blog, I thought the same thing, like I can create a blog for free and pay for the hosting later, but the truth is, with WordPress, you run a blog for free and not at the same time.

Let me explain how you see those ads on your WordPress blog. Those ad payments are used to pay for your blog, which is not a bad deal. I mean, they are helping you build a website/blog with no charges, But the thing is, you wrote those posts, the money should be going into your pocket.

Several Technical Problems Can Occur:

If you are not tech-savvy like me, you will face many technical issues when starting a blog. A blog requires a lot of formatting, coding, theme structures, maintaining site speed, and all. Despite blogging for a year, I am still learning these things.

I know you can always hire an expert, but it will be costly. Instead of hiring anyone to take care of your blog technical parts, install plugins; they will be your secret weapons and save money.

Plugins are extremely easy to get started with, but you can always Google a particular plugin’s instructions if you still face some issues.

Taking Care Of A Blog Can Be Hard If You Don’t Have A Passion For Your Niche:

Yes, this is the harsh truth; taking care of a blog can be challenging if you don’t have a passion for your niche. Because blogging is all about publishing in-depth articles, and without knowledge and passion, you won’t be able to do it.

Also, if you don’t have any interest in the chosen niche, your audience will recognize it easily through your article. This is why the best option is to pick a niche you care about.

Read this article to find the best niche, “How To Find Your Blog Niche: The Ultimate Guide.”

Blog Posts Requires Updates:

Okay, this is the part I hate the most, updating old blog posts. Updating blog posts is good for SEO (search engine optimization), but it requires more research and writing.

No matter how old your blog post is, like two or three years, you need to update it frequently to maintain your position on Google. If you don’t, Google will replace your posts with a new one with the latest information about the particular topic.

It Can Take A Year Or So To Make A Dime:

I know how everyone on the internet brags about their blog income. Still, the truth is earning from a blog is not an easy task, especially in 2021 because there are over 600 million blogs worldwide, and the competition is increasing as the day passes.

However, tough competition doesn’t mean you will never gain any views or make a dime with your blog. It just means you need to learn and apply the right strategies to rank higher.

My number one recommendation is to start focusing on SEO because optimizing your blog is the fastest way to increase your blog ranking on Google. A higher ranking means more traffic and more visitors leads to good income.


So, here we are at the end of the post. I hope my lists of pros and cons of blogging were helpful to you in making a decision. Regardless of what you choose, the results will depend on your actions.

Thank you for reading the article, and if you have any questions, please comment below and share your thoughts.

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Shama Shafiq
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